The Sign Read, “Get Right with God”

During my childhood and early teen years, my family would go to Daytona Beach for annual summer vacation.  We stayed at the same motel, which was operated by two German sisters, who most likely immigrated here after the war.  Some years we would drive during the night since most cars had no air conditioning.   However when we would drive during the day, I noticed road side signs that read, “Get Right with God.”  The other billboard I remember was for Copper Tone. 

In that pre-digital time about all kids had to do while traveling was to look out the window.  Billboards were quite entertaining actually.   They were well made and neat, unlike the wrinkly vinyl ones of today.   The Lord used a simple sign to get me to thinking.    Was I right with God?   I realized I was not and did get right with Him in the following year. 

The question of how to get right with God has been around since man himself.  It may be the most important question in the world.   And peoples from all corners of the globe have come up with some outlandish ideas on how to do so.  Paul addressed this question in his letter to the church at Rome. 

                    “We are made right with God by placing our faith in Jesus Christ.”  Romans 3:22a

 So is it faith that makes a person right with God or is it the object of one’s faith?  It is the latter.  People use the word faith quite loosely.

  “I am a person of faith.”

 “It’s my faith that gets me through.”

  Faith in what or who?  Perhaps some use the word faith because they are afraid to say the name of Jesus or Lord.   It’s Jesus’ sacrificial, atoning death, burial, and bodily resurrection that provided the way for one to be made right with God.

  Because God is holy, he couldn’t just wink at sin.  It had to be punished.   Jesus came to earth to take that punishment for us, making it possible for us to be legally justified before a righteous God.   But for one to be under that provision, he has to place his faith in Jesus.  Even though Jesus died for all, only those who place their faith in Him are made right with God. 

No doubt the number one misconception about being made right with God is that of “keeping the law” or doing good.  Those who are following that path will say things like:

 “I do the best I can.”

 “I am not really a bad person.”

 “No one is perfect.”

 That approach didn’t make a person right with God in Paul’s day, nor does it today.  “Can we boast, then, that we have done anything to be accepted by God?  No, because our acquittal is not based on obeying the law.  It is based on faith.”  Romans 3:27 

Are you right with God?  God did what was necessary so you can be right with Him, but it’s up to you to decide.

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